We treat

Low Back, Pelvis, Hip Pain & Sciatica

Possibly the most common thing we treat is related to the low back.

Here’s a list of things we treat:

  1. Non-specific muscular pain of low back
  2. Low back/hip/pelvis injuries (strains)
  3. Sciatica (pain that shoots down leg into foot)
  4. Tailbone pain
  5. Piriformis syndrome
  6. Sacroiliitis
  7. Bursitis of hip
  8. Hip misalignment
  9. Hip injuries
  10. IT Band syndrome
  11. Disc injuries
  12. Hip impingement

How to become a patient?

  1. Fill out the paperwork listed below that can be found on our new patient’s section of the website.  This typically takes about 1 hour.
    – Welcome Form
    – NTAF
    – Brain Region Localization Form
    – Metabolic Assessment Form
  2. Bring any labs (within 12 months) and any imaging reports (Xray’s, MRI, etc.)
  3. Schedule an exam and first treatment with Dr. McKenzie.  The cost is $168. Follow-up appointments are $42.  Dr. McKenzie will create a strategy to change your outcome.
  4. You can also schedule massages with Houda (chiropractic assistant) for $65.  These are 1-hour appointments.